Am Großen Specken



Other nature destinations
The name comes from the way in which the banks were fortified. In the past, a fascine dam was built from brushwood, bushes and thatch in order to get to the mooring place of the ships without getting wet. The shore was "larded", so to speak, with these materials. There was a lot of activity there at the time, as this was the town's harbor. The arrival of the flutes (as the flat-bottomed barges were called) was eagerly awaited by the inhabitants of the town, as they brought crops from the Sietland as well as wood and peat.

Today, the passenger ship "Onkel Heinz" docks here for the medem cruises to Ihlienworth and the light cruises.

Good to know

More information

Der Große Specken mit seinem Kran ist Teil des historischen Stadtrundgangs mit Hörerlebnis.

Contact person

Tourist-Information Nordseebad Otterndorf
Wallstraße 12
21762 Otterndorf


Nordseebad Otterndorf
Wallstraße 12
21762 Otterndorf


Nordseebad Otterndorf


Getting there

Am Großen Specken
Am Großen Specken
21762 Otterndorf