Café Central - Historisches Gebäude



Historical structure
A historic building reminiscent of the heyday of the old trading center in the east!

In the middle of the town center of Osten, Am Markt, stands a well-preserved, historic half-timbered building, which has housed several cafés and a clockmaker over the course of its history.
The main building dates back to the 2nd half of the 18th century. The extension with the turret was added to the 1894 coffee house extension in the summer of 1912. Even after the First World War, the café was still run under the name "Ostener-Kaffee".
Before the Second World War, however, this café was discontinued and the premises were converted into a store for the Oellrich watchmakers.
In 2013, it was then reopened as Café Central, which is now a popular meeting place for a chat over coffee and cake.

Good to know


Opening hours of the café see under gastronomy

Contact person

Tourist Info Hemmoor
Frau Witt / Frau Lein
Bahnhofsweg 4
21745 Hemmoor


Tourist Info Hemmoor
Bahnhofsweg 4
21745 Hemmoor




Getting there

Café Central - Historisches Gebäude
Am Markt 2
21756 Osten