Mehrgenerationen Strandkorb



Other relaxation and health
The multi-generational beach chair in Schillig can be found from April to October on the platform at the end of the jetty directly on the North Sea.
It is specially designed for people with mobility and activity-related restrictions and other needs.

The beach chair has a variety of additional features, such as a raised bench seat, height-adjustable footrests and a wide opening that allows wheelchair access to the beach chair. There is also plenty of space for baby carriages.

The multi-generational beach chair in Schillig is a wonderful way to provide barrier-free vacations for everyone.

Good to know


  • for individual guests

Payment Options

free of charge


Der Strandkorb ist barrierefrei zugänglich. Er befindet sich auf der Plattform am Ende des ersten Strandsteges in Schillig.

Contact person

Wangerland Touristik GmbH
26434 Wangerland


Wangerland Touristik GmbH
Zum Hafen 3
26434 Wangerland


Wangerland Touristik GmbH


Getting there
Mehrgenerationen Strandkorb
26434 Wangerland Schillig