Museums-Leuchtturm Dicke Berta



Lighthouse over 120 years old with complete equipment
Admittedly, it's a strange name for a lighthouse, because the Fat Berta doesn't look all that bulky. In any case, the people of Cuxhaven have grown very fond of the Fat Berta, even though the lighthouse has not been in operation since 1983.

Today, you can get married in the Fat Berta or visit her. You will learn a lot about the exciting times of beacons and lighthouses. And you can also find out why the Dicke Berta was actually supposed to be demolished and who saved it. Guided tours take place from Easter Saturday to the end of September on Tuesdays from 10am to 12pm and on Saturdays from 3pm to 5pm. Guided tours are also available on request outside regular opening hours.

Good to know


You can visit the Berta from Easter Saturday to the end of September at the following times:

Tuesday: 10:00 to 12:00
Saturday: 15:00 to 17:00

Group tours on request with individual appointment.

Price info

Price adult: €1.00
Price child: €0.50


  • for Groups

  • for Class

  • for familys

Payment Options

chargeable, Cash payment on site

Directions & Parking facilities

B73 Abfahrt Altenbruch, weiter Richtung Strand. Anschließend der Ausschilderung folgen.

Navi: Döschers Trift

Contact person

Mr. Hans-Jürgen Umland
Im Westerteil 22
27478 Cuxhaven (Altenbruch)


Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH
Cuxhavener Str. 92
27476 Cuxhaven


Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH


Getting there

Förderverein Dicke Berta e. V.
Im Westerteil 22
27478 Cuxhaven (Altenbruch)