


The south beach

A day by the sea
A beach chair is the perfect place to spend a day by the sea. With a wonderful view of the Jade Bay, it's not far to the water. For information on the beach chair of your choice, call 0 44 21 / 4 23 60 (seasonal May 4 - September 15, 2024).

Book your beach chair conveniently online from home in advance or spontaneously on site to enjoy the view of the Jade Bay. Book here now!

Stretch out your legs...
and relax on the green sunbathing lawn. You won't find any sand on the south beach, but several large lawns. The advantage: no sandy towels and scratchy sun cream experiences.

This is how summer tastes
A south beach waffle from the Hotel Seerose ice cream parlor provides the necessary cooling during a walk along the south beach promenade. The home-baked waffle comes with a nice chat over the counter.

Real East Frisian coziness
Countless photos adorn the walls of the rustic teahouse on the south beach and tell stories of years gone by. Here you can enjoy a fresh bratwurst from dyke pigs or relax in the sun with a piece of cake.

You can find even more culinary delights here at a glance!

Good to know


Freely accessible at any time

Price info

pro Tag: 12€
pro Woche: 70€
pro Saison: 390 €

pro Tag: 9 €
pro Woche: 50€

Jens Heiden
Tel: 0 44 21 / 4 23 60


  • for Children of all Ages

  • Suitable for Pushchair

Other Furnishing/Equipment

  • Children's Playground (outdoors)

  • Toilet

Payment Options

free of charge, Cash payment on site


Infos zum Strandzugang:
  • Zugang zur Strandpromenade über Kaiser-Wihelm-Brücke
  • Rampen (steil) hinunter zum Strand
  • Befestigte Wege zum und entlang des Wassers
  • Rampe mit Handlauf ins Wasser
  • WC für Menschen mit Behinderung

Directions & Parking facilities

Der Beschilderung Richtung "Südstrand / Helgoland-Kai" folgen.
Die Buslinie 8 der Wilhelmshavener Stadtwerke fährt direkt vom Hauptbahnhof zum Südstrand.

Social Media

Contact person

Wilhelmshaven Touristik & Freizeit GmbH
Banter Deich 2
26382 Wilhelmshaven


Wilhelmshaven Touristik & Freizeit GmbH
Banter Deich 2
26382 Wilhelmshaven


Wilhelmshaven Touristik & Freizeit GmbH
