In the impressive building right on the beach between the heath and mudflats, visitors can learn everything there is to know about the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site. The exhibition also offers an impressive view of the Wadden Sea from the Cuxhaven district of Sahlenburg in all weathers.
In addition to the exhibition, the facility offers guided tours of the mudflats, salt marshes and coastal heath all year round.
In addition to the exhibition, the facility offers guided tours of the mudflats, salt marshes and coastal heath all year round.
Good to know
Closed: Good Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.
Price info
Der Besuch des Besucherzentrums ist kostenfrei.
Suitable for Pushchair
for Children of the age of 10 upwards
Other Furnishing/Equipment
Baby Change
Handicapped accessible WC
Barrier-free access
Click here for the certification test report Travel for All.
Directions & Parking facilities
Direkt am Besucherzentrum stehen keine öffentlichen Parkplätze zur Verfügung. Es können die im Ort ausgeschilderten Großraumparkplätze genutzt werden.
Behindertenparkplatz direkt am Haus vorhanden.
Behindertenparkplatz direkt am Haus vorhanden.
More information
Hunde haben keinen Zutritt.
Contact person
UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer-Besucherzentrum Cuxhaven
Nordheimstr. 200
27476 Cuxhaven
Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH
Cuxhavener Str. 92
27476 Cuxhaven
Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH